Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Power of Prayer

<---Baby Albertina

Through the teams that have been down, we have completed several health clinics. While visiting the Opalaca Mountains, we found baby Albertina. She was 5 months old, and weighed somewhere around 3 ½ pounds. She was malnourished, underdeveloped, and our doctors were not real sure how she was still alive! We brought her down to La Esperanza, where she spent a few weeks in the hospital, and before heading back to her native home, she weighed around 5 pounds, was much more responsive, and actually had life behind her little eyes.

During another medical clinic we found a girl that was under 1 year old. This child was completely unresponsive to hearing and eye tests – and almost seemed like a baby doll that had no life in her eyes. We prayed for her, and about 30 minutes later, we returned to find the “glaze” removed from her eyes, and the girl responsive to the eye tests! Both of these children are doing much better, and have experienced the power of prayer first hand. We are grateful for the opportunity that we had to be around these kids, and we continue to pray that God will keep them healthy in their difficult home situations.